Power Source

What is a Power Source?

A power source is an instrument used to supply power to other equipment and sensors, enabling them to operate. The power is provided in the form of voltage or current.

Current Power Source Ranges

Voltage Sources:

  • PV1: ± 5 V

  • PV2: ± 3.3 V

  • PV3: 0-3 V

Current Sources:

  • PCS: 0 - 3.3 mA

How to Use

_PSLab_ Pinout for Power Supply

To use the variable power supply, connect the terminals from the PSLab board to the output node according to your requirement.

Procedure for Supplying Power:

  1. Select the required power source from PV1, PV2, PV3, or PCS.

  2. Set the desired value for the power source.

  3. Connect the board to the equipment, such as an LED.

Experiment: Powering an LED with PSLab


To power an LED using the PSLab inbuilt power supply.

Materials Required


  1. Open the PSLab Android app.

  2. Select the Power Supply option.

  3. The app will display various power source options:

    • PV1

    • PV2

    • PV3

    • PCS

  1. Choose Voltage Source 2 (PV2) for this experiment and set its value to the LED voltage (~3.2V).

  2. Connect the ground and voltage terminals of PV2 to the LED terminals using connecting wires.

  3. Adjust the power source knob until the required voltage is reached.

  4. The LED will start glowing.


  • The LED illuminates when the correct voltage is applied.

  • The PSLab successfully supplies the required power.


The PSLab power source can effectively power an LED.

Experiment: Powering a Buzzer with PSLab


To power a buzzer using the PSLab inbuilt power supply.

Materials Required


  1. Open the PSLab Android app.

  2. Select the Power Source option.

  3. The app will display various Power Source options:

    • PV1

    • PV2

    • PV3

    • PCS

Buzzer Voltage dB Curve
  1. Choose Voltage Source 1 (PV1) and set its value to the buzzer’s starting voltage (~2.5V).

  2. Connect the ground and voltage terminals of PV1 to the buzzer terminals using connecting wires.

  3. Adjust the power source knob until the required voltage is reached.

  4. The buzzer will start producing sound.

  5. Gradually increase the voltage to increase the buzzer’s sound intensity.

  6. Adjust the voltage as needed to achieve the desired sound level.


  • The buzzer starts producing sound when the correct voltage is applied.

  • The PSLab successfully supplies the required power.


The PSLab Power Source can effectively power a buzzer.

Important Features

  • PV1 and PV3 are proportional to each other.

  • PV2 and PCS are also connected (inversely proportional).